Our Focal Points

What is Student Ministry?

SWStudents (6th-College) provides a home where students will find their identity in Christ, their gifts to serve, and people who will motivate them to live their fullest life for Christ. We make it our mission to provide opportunities for our students to grow in their faith and put that faith into practice by serving others and attempting to change the world.

We regularly get together for events that help us accomplish our mission, so keep your eye out for opportunities for you to join us. We would love to have you. 

Some Things We Do:

• Retreats, Camps, and Fun Trips throughout the year

• Bible classes, bi-weekly devotionals, and Area Wide Teen Gatherings geared toward teens and what they need to know about God and His word.

• Sunday Fundays, Fwednesday dinner before Wednesday Bible classes, Game Nights, and Lock-Ins.

• Yearly mission trips, either locally or internationally. 


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